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Best Age For Hair Transplant

The demand for hair transplantation operations is increasing every day. Sometimes even 15-16-year-old teenagers can call hair transplant clinics because their hair is falling out. Sometimes people over the age of 70 can say that they want to have hair transplantation. Well, for whom hair transplantation can be made, for whom it is not suitable? For what age range does hair transplantation give more successful results? What should be the age criteria to increase the success of hair transplantation? In short, in this article, we will talk about the age limit for hair transplant operations.


Is age important in hair transplantation?

The answers to the question of whether age is important for hair transplantation operations to vary from situation to situation and from person to person. In some cases, the person’s age becomes the main factor affecting the success of hair transplantation. In some cases, a hair transplant may be required, regardless of the person’s age. So, the most accurate age for hair transplantation varies depending on the situation. For example, if a 10-year-old child has lost hair due to an accident or illness and baldness has occurred, a hair transplantation surgery is a must. As we will mention later, the best age for hair transplantation is important. But especially determining whether hair loss is over is more important information for hair transplantation operations. In addition, some extreme situations may change these degrees of importance. Each person’s needs and physical characteristics vary. For this reason, individual examinations and consultations are performed by specialist doctors in Hair Clinics. The degree of baldness, the condition of the area with baldness, the degree of health of hair follicles in the donor area are examined individually. As a result of this examination, the most correct decision can be made about the person concerned.

What age is most suitable for hair transplantation surgery?

Research shows that on average, 40 years of age for men is the most ideal period for hair transplantation. Because, many men who have hair loss problems have their hair in its final form at the age of 40, that is, hair loss is considered to have stopped. For these reasons, the likelihood of a more successful hair transplant will increase after hair loss stops. Despite this information, it is not possible to give a clear answer to this question, and the answers may not be accurate. Because everyone’s physical structure and psychological characteristics are very different from each other. For these reasons, a decision to have a hair transplant by consulting with a specialist doctor will allow you to reach a more effective solution than the question of what is a suitable age.

Do you have to wait until the right age for a hair transplant?

The most important point for everyone regarding hair transplantation age is what the answer to the right age question will be. Right age can vary for everyone. So should the right age be expected to have hair transplantation? This is a necessity, if not a necessity, and is the key to achieving healthier hair. Many people may want to have a hair transplant as soon as their hair begins to fall out. However, since hair loss will continue until the age of 40, after hair transplantation at an early age, other hair whose roots weaken may continue to fall out. This, in turn, can start the problem of baldness again, except for areas where hair transplantation has been performed. So, no matter how eager you are for hair transplantation, what you need to do first is choose the right clinic. After that, you must complete all the necessary control and inspection stages without rushing. If you want a successful hair transplant and a healthy appearance in a short time, you should take into account all the warnings made by your specialist doctor.

What are the minimum and maximum ages for hair transplantation?

The most ideal age for hair transplantation is between 18 and 65 years of age. It is not ethically correct for individuals under the age of 18 to have plastic surgery, nor is it desirable. In addition, for people under the age of 18 to have hair transplants, their parents are asked for written permission. Age 65 is the period when living hair cells are very reduced. As a result of decreased hair cells that maintain their viability, not enough hair can be transplanted into the bald area. Because of this, the probability of successful hair transplantation is reduced. Despite this information, the age limit for getting hair transplantation cannot be mentioned. Even if the most ideal age range for getting the healthiest results is between the ages of 18 and 65, hair transplantation can also be performed on people outside this age range in case of mandatory needs.

Does the transplanted hair fall out due to age?

Research has shown that hair transplanted with a successful operation does not fall out in subsequent years. Age or gender cannot be considered as a factor in transplanted hair loss. But here is another point to consider. Male-type hair loss continues until the age of 40. That’s why the 40s can be considered as the hair transplantation age limit. If the hair transplant performed on the person concerned was performed at an earlier age, and the hair loss of the person at this age has not yet stopped, there may be problems. As weak hair that is not fully completed in the shedding phase will continue to fall out, it may be considered as if the transplanted hair has fallen out. For this reason, before undergoing hair transplantation, it should be understood that the process of hair loss is complete.

Is age important in the growth of transplanted hair?

As we get older, people experience decreases in their cells and slowdowns in their cell regeneration processes. This condition affects all types of healing processes, as well as the processes after hair transplantation. Weakening of the hair follicles with age also leads to an extended recovery time. Because after trying to transplant weak hair follicles, it is not easy for these hair follicles to hold on to the transplanted area. For this reason, not enough successful results may be obtained. However, people’s physical condition can vary widely. Hair follicles can be healthy, despite the advanced age of people who have lived very well over the years, are healthy and adequately fed. Individuals with healthy hair roots do not need to worry about hair transplantation age. The success rate of these people in hair transplantation operations is high. For these reasons, it is not possible to give a clear answer to the hair transplant operation that can be performed without going through expert control.

Is hair transplant suitable for all ages?

Hair transplantation surgery is suitable for all ages without physical and psychological disabilities. The most ideal age range is between 18 and 65 years of age. Hair transplants performed between these ages will give much more successful results. If necessary, with the approval of a specialist doctor, hair transplantation surgery can also be performed for people outside this age range.

Is there a permanent solution in hair transplant treatment for all ages?

There are permanent solutions for hair transplantation treatment for all ages. For ages other than the hair transplantation age limit mentioned in this article, a decision can be made by specialist doctors after checks. As Rehair Istanbul, we offer the most appropriate solutions for everyone who will have hair transplantation. We are waiting for you in our state-of-the-art clinics and with our specialist doctors.

Does the age limit change according to hair transplantation techniques?

Differences in hair transplant techniques do not change the age limit of hair transplantation. Hair transplantation can be done to anyone if the hair transplant area is suitable and the hair in the donor area where the hair to be transplanted is healthy. Because hair loss in men will decrease at the age of 40, provided that they are under the control of a specialist doctor, these ages are the most ideal times for hair transplantation.

Fue Hair Transplant Age Limit

FUE hair transplantation method is a very known and preferred method thanks to its successful results. Many people want the FUE method to have a natural hair look. For the FUE hair transplant method, there is no different age limit. A suitable age is determined for everyone who is considered suitable by specialist doctors, and hair transplantation can be performed using the FUE method.

Dhi Hair Transplant Age Limit

DHI hair transplant method applied with needle tips called Choi is known for providing healing in a short time and providing very natural and aesthetic results. Because of this, the DHI method has begun to increase its popularity. The most appropriate age limits for DHI hair transplantation are not different from the limits specified for other hair transplant operations. As a result of the evaluations that specialist doctors will make, it is one of the most ideal hair transplant methods that can be applied to everyone at any age. Already best age for a hair transplant will be determined in this way.