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What are the hair transplant methods / techniques?

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure performed on people whose hair has fallen or thinned. During this operation, after supervision by a specialist doctor, the transplantation process is carried out from the problem area to the receiving area. There are several hair restoration methods, these methods must be performed by a specialist doctor and in a licensed clinic. For this reason, instead of asking what the best hair transplantation method is, it should be investigated what the most suitable method is for the person.


 What are the different hair restoration methods / techniques?

Hair transplants have received a lot of attention in recent years. Men and women with hair loss undergo a hair transplant to achieve their old look. Considering this interest and demand, new hair restoration methods can pop up every day. However, as we will mention in this article, some different hair restoration methods are also starting to attract attention. As ReHair, we would like to point out that you should be careful with unproven methods. It is in your best interest to act according to the recommendations of your specialist surgeon.

FUE hair transplant

FUE hair transplantation has been widely used in recent years and is considered one of the newest methods. State-of-the-art equipment such as sapphire, robotic, or micro-motorized inserts are used effectively in this method. In these methods, the hair roots are collected one by one from the donor area using these devices. Subsequently, micro channels are opened on the scalp and the hairs are implanted there.

DHI hair transplant

The DHI hair transplantation method is shown by many patients as one of the best hair transplantation methods. In this method, healthy hair roots in the donor area are collected with special pens called Choi. The collected hair roots are gently transferred to the area where the transplant will be performed. During this method, no channel is opened to place the hair follicles on the scalp. With this method, hair transplantation is done instantly and in one go. In this method of hair transplantation, it is called direct hair transplantation, because direct transplantation is performed. However, it is also known as the “Choi technique” because of the Choi needle used during this hair transplant.

FUT hair transplant

FUT Hair Transplant, also known as Strip Hair Transplant, is a method that was known in the past as the best hair transplantation method and is still used today. In this method, healthy hair roots in the donor area are transplanted along with the skin using incisions that open in the transplant area. The cut strips on the scalp are broken into smaller pieces. After that, these skin strips are placed in the area where the hair transplant will be performed. It is necessary to suture the incision sites opened during FUT hair transplantation and remove the sutures after about a week. For these reasons, blood loss can occur and during the healing process it is necessary to take good care of the wound. It is also very important to pay attention to environmental factors such as wind, rain and sun, as well as external influences.

What are the advantages/disadvantages of hair transplantation methods?

Hair transplant methods began to develop and differentiate as the years passed and technology changed. For these reasons, new hair transplant methods and classic hair transplantation methods began to be compared. Each of these methods has advantages over each other, as well as disadvantages. Thanks to the latest hair transplant techniques, faster healing, and a more natural appearance can be achieved. However, older methods can be considered for those who are looking for an affordable price. So it is you who will decide on after the recommendations of your doctor.

What are the differences between hair transplantation methods?

Hair transplant methods include some differences such as tools used, surgical devices, whether the incision is made on the skin, whether the hair needs to be shaved. These differences affect the healing processes after hair transplantation, as well as effective hair transplant prices. It is best to find out the differences between hair transplant methods and the most appropriate method for you, in consultation with your doctor.

Which method is frequently preferred?

Such as “which method of hair transplant is best” or “which method is often preferred” questions are encountered often. In recent years, many new hair transplant methods have been developed. Among these methods, some of the methods are very preferred. But not every hair transplant method may be suitable for everyone. For these reasons, detailed tests should be performed for your physical characteristics before hair transplant surgery. After that, competent clinical and specialist doctors will determine the most appropriate hair transplant method for you.

What are the latest/new hair transplant techniques/ methods in Istanbul?

When the name is mentioned Istanbul, all people around the world first think of historical and natural beauties and great Turkish cuisine. In recent years, however, health developments have made Istanbul a center for health tourism. In particular, the number of patients coming to Istanbul for hair transplantation has increased enormously. All new hair transplantation techniques, especially FUE and DHI can be performed in Istanbul. Come to Istanbul for the latest and the best hair restoration techniques.

Which is the best/most effective method for hair transplant?

We often deal with the question “Which is the best method for hair transplant?”. However, everyone’s physical and mental states are very different. For this reason, everyone should research the hair transplant method that best suits them. Therefore, a clinic approved by the Ministry of Health should be selected. It should be seen that there are adequate surgical devices and a hygienic environment. Of course, the most effective method for hair transplant can be selected for you as a result of the recommendations and controls of qualified specialist surgeons.

Which one is the permanent hair transplantation method?

Hair transplantation can be described as a “permanent solution to the problem of hair loss”. This applies to both men and women. DHI and FUE hair restoration methods are among the most recently developed hair restoration methods. Both methods provide a permanent solution.

What is the non-surgical hair transplantation method?

Hair restoration methods are risk-free to human health and recovery is visible very quickly. However, it is necessary to perform local anesthesia during each hair transplant method. For this reason, it can be very ambitious to express it as a non-surgical hair transplantation method, but in particular DHI and FUE can be shown among the non-surgical hair transplantation methods due to their characteristics.

What are the hair transplantation methods cost/prices in Turkey?

 One of the countries where hair restoration surgeries are often performed and known for successful hair restoration surgeries is Turkey. The number of people coming to Turkey from almost every country in the world for hair transplants is constantly increasing. When the question of what the hair transplant costs are in Turkey, you may be surprised by the appropriateness of the prices you come across. You will have access to the best hair transplant results in Turkey at the best hair transplant costs. In this context, you can immediately start your research for the best hair transplant in Turkey.

FUE Hair Transplant Cost

A very fast healing process and the absence of traces in the area where the hair transplant was performed, makes the FUE hair transplant method one of the best hair transplantation methods. Obtaining a very natural hair appearance in very short periods of time is an important advantage of the FUE method. If you have any questions about what the hair transplantation costs are for this method, we recommend that you contact a specialized hair transplant surgeon. Because when determining the hair transplant method that suits you best, it is also possible to determine your specific FUE Hair transplant costs.

DHI Hair Transplant Cost

With the DHI hair transplant method, healthy hair roots from the donor area are planted in the transplant area without waiting too long. At this time, direct transplant is performed without opening the channels to the scalp. During DHI surgery, more technological devices, more intensive work, and a minimum of 2 specialist surgeons must work together. For this reason, the DHI hair transplant costs are slightly higher than the FUE method or other hair transplant operations. Consult ReHair Istanbul for the best hair transplantation in Turkey.

FUT Hair Transplant Cost / Strip Hair Transplant Cost

FUT Hair Transplant is a very classic method, but it remains the preferred hair transplant method by many patients. One of the most important reasons for this is that it is suitable for everyone’s budget in terms of FUT hair transplant cost. You can also ask our specialist doctors to find out if the FUT method is suitable for your physiology. After that, REHAIR will help you with the most appropriate Strip Hair Transplant cost.

SUT Hair Transplant Cost

A painless method, SUT hair transplantation, is also known for achieving a more natural hair structure faster. Costs may differ slightly from other hair restoration methods. Information about the costs of SUT hair transplantation, where more hair follicles can be transplanted, can be obtained by contacting us.

What are the hair transplant methods’ side effects?

For many years, hair transplants have been done so that men and women can regain their hair. Advances in developing techniques and technological methods have greatly reduced the side effects experienced in past years. Although it has decreased significantly, the side effects of hair transplant methods can rarely be seen in some people. A person’s chronic ailments, disorders in sleep and eating patterns, and considerations such as heavy alcohol and cigarette consumption can trigger side effects. For this reason, before hair transplant surgery, tests on the patient should be performed with precision. These checks will help you relax about the hair transplant methods side effects.

FUE Hair Transplant Side Effects

The micromotor, a surgical instrument, is used during the FUE method. For this reason, local anesthesia should be applied to the patient before hair transplantation. FUE hair transplant side effects are rarely seen if this operation is performed in a competent clinic, under sterile conditions, and under the supervision of a specialist doctor. However, excessive consumption of blood thinners, alcohol, and coffee, which the patient constantly uses, can increase side effects. However, during hair care after surgery, the recommendations of doctors should also be followed. In this way, the risk of seeing FUE hair transplant side effects will be reduced.

DHI Hair Transplant Side Effects

 During the DHI Hair Transplant method, pens called Choi are used. Thanks to these pens, there is no need to open a channel on the scalp in the area where the hair transplant will be performed. Therefore, it is possible to see less irritation, faster recovery, and fewer side effects. In short, DHI hair transplant side effects are almost non-existent.

FUT Hair Transplant / Strip Hair Transplant Side Effects

FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) is an old method that can leave some traces in the donor area. Proper hair care after this method, which requires local anesthesia, is very important in reducing FUT hair transplant / Strip hair transplant side effects. It is also necessary to consult before hair transplantation with this method and to examine the suitability of the patient’s condition for hair transplantation. In this way, healthier and successful results will be achieved.

SUT Hair Transplant Side Effects

SUT Hair Transplant is one of the latest hair transplant techniques. Because of this, the latest techniques and latest technology products are used the healing processes of patients are very shortened. All of this makes us less worried about SUT hair transplant side effects. However, infections may occur in some cases. Some people may have problems with crust or haze drainage and losing sensation around the surgical sites. As with many hair transplants, scalp pain, bleeding itching, and swelling can also be seen. A good clinical environment and experienced surgeons should be preferred to prevent them.