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11 Factors To Consider Before You Decide If A Hair Transplantation is Right For You

11 Factors To Consider Before You Decide If A Hair Transplantation is Right For You

Does anyone still not appreciate their individual hair and appearance? In recent years, aesthetic concerns, especially caused by hair, are constantly increasing. Both men and women do not like baldness and hair rarity caused by hair loss. These discontents have also led to an increase in requests for hair transplants. So, is hair transplantation really necessary for you? What should be considered when getting hair transplantation? Which technique might be best for you? In short, in this article, we examined 11 factors for whether hair transplant surgery is suitable for you. Let’s get started


1. You have to be the right candidate.

First, you need to know if you are suitable for a hair transplantation. This is the first thing that needs to be decided before the hair transplant operation. Although hair begins to fall out after the age of 20, hair transplantation before the age of 30 is not considered very appropriate. Because hair loss becomes clear with the age of 30. However, hair transplantation can also be performed for sparse hair without waiting for hair to fall out thoroughly. For these reasons, we can briefly say: you should not want to have a hair transplantation immediately because your hair has started to fall out. First, you should consult your hair transplant surgeons and follow their views and recommendations. You should ensure that preliminary examinations and checks are performed to determine whether you are eligible for a hair transplantation. As a result of conducting the necessary tests and consultations,and after evaluating hair follicles it will be more convenient to understand whether you are suitable for the operation.

2. Your hair can be treated normally after hair transplantation.

Before getting a hair transplantation, everyone thinks about whether the operation will be successful. The clinic where the operation is performed, the experience of the hair transplant surgeons operating, and the quality of the surgical team are very important for successful hair transplantation. Another consideration, at least as important as these factors, is the care that should be performed after hair transplantation. For the individual hair to heal normally, to regain its natural appearance, its care must be done properly. In this regard, the relevant hair clinic and your doctor will make the necessary warnings. Also creams, cosmetics, shampoos, and other care materials necessary for your hair to reach its normal shape will be provided to you. Remember, after a hair transplant is performed in the appropriate clinical setting by a qualified doctor and his team, your hair takes on a natural appearance. The most important condition of this is that the necessary maintenance is carried out in full.

3. Don’t forget it is permanent.

After a hair transplantation, many people have doubts that their hair will fall out again and return to the old bad look again. In some operations performed in very ancient times and recent years, unsuccessful results have been seen in hair transplants performed in clinics that do not have any special qualities. However, changes in the technology and techniques used have significantly increased the percentage of success in hair transplants. Before the hair transplantation operation, conducting the necessary checks in detail, understanding the suitability of the hair follicles and person for the operation, choosing a specialist doctor and a good clinic, as well as performing the necessary care after the hair transplantation, allows the natural appearance of the hair to be acquired in a short time. However, this natural appearance will remain continuous and hair loss will be history.

4. The new hair won’t fall out.

Now let’s examine the question of whether the hair that begins to grow after the hair transplantation will fall out. About 1 month after the hair transplant process, a hair loss is seen in the planted hair. This condition, called a shock spill, is an expected spill. It is not a matter of worry. On the contrary, it is a necessary shedding for healing and healthier hair growth. After that, the hair growth starts slowly. After regular maintenance and control, the hair regains its natural appearance in the twelfth month. After that, there is no such condition as hair loss. You can use your new hair safely and as you wish.

5. Follow directions carefully.

If we ask what is the biggest of the mistakes made during hair transplantation, the answers will be very variable. But we can say with peace of mind that the processes after hair transplant surgery are just as important as what needs to be done before and during the operation. In short, if you have decided to have a hair transplantation operation, you should follow your doctor’s instructions. Before the operation, you should reduce smoking and alcohol consumption and perform the necessary preliminary health checks. You have to come to the operation full, wear comfortable clothes. After the operation, you must follow the instructions given to you to the smallest detail. For example, avoiding the sun, cold and windy environments, not using hats, and being careful when lying down are some of them. During the first trimester, not using a shaver to cut your hair is also among the important instructions. Besides, you will be informed about shampoos and creams that will be used to wash your hair, the choice of care materials, and how to care. If you do these things carefully, it will be easier to achieve easier hair growth and restore healthy hair.

6. Don’t decide only by budget. However, keep your budget still in mind.

Before hair transplantation operations, many important considerations interfere with your mind when deciding which clinic to choose. At the beginning of these are material issues. This is perhaps one of the most critical mistakes made. Hair transplantation surgery is a procedure in which the hair follicles are removed from the scalp. But choosing a clinic just thinking about money can compare you to the nasty surprises and side effect you never wanted. Because in recent years, interest in hair transplantation has increased a lot. This has also paved the way for teams that do not have the approval of the Ministry of Health, do not have sufficient technical equipment, and do not have any experience to perform hair transplants. Don’t ignore your health and aesthetic appearance when thinking about your budget. Although it is your most natural right to think about the budget, it will be in your interest to choose hair transplantation clinics that have proven their maturity and whose references are solid. Also, it is necessary and important for your health to investigate specialist hair transplant surgeons, to examine the experience of the hair transplantation team, and to observe the possibilities in the clinic.

7. Research if you have other alternatives instead of hair implantation.

What is the reason for hair transplantation? If hair becomes sparse or complete hair loss occurs. But every time hair loss occurs, we never claim that you should have a hair transplantation immediately. Because it may be useful for each person who has lost hair to research different alternatives before hair transplantation. For example, it may be useful to start taking zinc supplements when their hair begins to fall out. Changes in the choice of shampoo or the beginning of choosing herbal care products can eliminate the need for hair transplantation. However, everyone’s health status for hair transplantation may not indicate adequate fitness. After preliminary research, you can try alternatives instead of hair transplantation. But without a doctor’s advice, we also don’t want you to harm yourself by using products whose content you don’t know. For these reasons, you should consult with the clinical and hair transplant surgeons you trust and decide on alternative methods in a more scientific way. This will be the most useful choice for you.

8. Research about your doctor.

At the beginning of what you should pay attention to when deciding to have a hair transplantation is the choice of a doctor. It is very important that the hair transplant surgeons who will perform a hair transplantation have enough experience. Because, as the number of hair transplants that doctors do increases, their manual skills also increase. Increased experience allows for much more successful results in subsequent hair transplants. In addition to your doctor’s experience, his approach and interest in his patients is very important. Because, especially in cases like side effect that you will encounter after hair transplant surgery, you should consult your doctor. At these moments, your doctor must give quick answers to your questions and needs. When we evaluate all of these, it will be in your best interest to choose a doctor whose references are strong and competent in their work when deciding on the choice of hair transplant surgeons before the hair transplantation operation.

9. Research about the surgery hospital.

It is very important to choose your hair transplant surgeons carefully. How important is choosing a clinic or hospital before hair transplantation surgery? In short, choosing a hospital is one of the most critical factors in the success of your hair transplant. Because hair transplantation is also ultimately an operation. Because of rare side effect, emergency intervention may be required, even if local anesthesia is performed. The materials used must have technological competence, hygienic conditions are sufficient and other conditions of the hospital are among the things you need to research before your choice. One of our most important recommendations when conducting hospital research is that you also examine the history of the clinic. It would be right for you to choose a clinic that has proven itself in the industry and has solid references. One of the most important criteria in this is that the clinic is a facility certified by the Ministry of Health. In this way, you will make a much safer and more accurate decision.

10. Research about the type of surgery. (FUT or FUE)

FUE and FUT techniques are among the most well-known methods in hair transplant operations. During the FUT technique, where haircutting is not needed, the hair roots are taken together with the skin with the help of incisions thrown into the head area. Cut strips on the head are broken into pieces and this strip of skin is placed in the area where the hair transplant will be performed. It is necessary to stitch the incision places and remove the stitches after a week. FUE technique is a very edible hair transplant method compared to the FUT technique. After the haircut, the hair roots from the donor area are taken with great precision and one by one and moved to the area where the transplantation will be performed. In this method, which has less bleeding, there is also no need to sew. Both of these methods are among the most commonly used and preferred methods of hair transplantation. In addition to the research you will do on this issue, it will be in your best interest to consider the recommendations of your doctor.

11. Know how high the success rate of the surgery is

One of the things you need to know before hair transplantation surgery is the percentage of success of the method that is planned to be applied to you. In this regard, your priority should be detailed negotiations with your doctor. Because, not every hair transplantation method may be suitable for everyone. Also, it can have side effect depending on your health condition. For these reasons, there may also be a difference in success percentages. Therefore, determining the most appropriate method for your body structure, hair characteristics and physiology is a step that needs to be decided together with your doctor.