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PRP Haarbehandeling

Wat is een PRP behandeling?
Hoe word een PRP behandeling uitgevoerd?
Hoeveel kost een PRP behandeling en hoe ziet het proces eruit?
Neem contact met ons op voor meer informatie.

injection treatment hair loss

PRP Behandeling Haar

How should you prepare before the treatment?

You should be in contact with your doctor and clinic prior to the treatment. Before this treatment, which does not requirevery detailed preparation, you should make a clear decision and start treatment by following the advice of your doctor.

platelet rich plasma injection procedure hair growth stimulation prp therapy process
plateletrich plasma preparation tubes with blood centrifuge

What you need to know before you decide on a PRP treatment?

Before starting PRP treatment, you should know very well that this will require long-term treatment. There have been some practices that have seen rapid changes in a single session. However, PRP is generally a year-long treatment. This method, which can be applied for many treatments, is not recommended for people who cannot show the necessary patience. In addition, long-term session fees vary. Therefore, it will be in your interest to provide a prediction about the prices.

Alles wat u moet weten over de PRP Haarbehandeling

Met een PRP-behandeling, is het mogelijk om sommige ziekten in het lichaam te genezen en de huid te verjongen met een persoon zijn eigen bloed. Bij een PRP-behandeling, waar het eigen bloed van de persoon wordt gebruikt in plaats van een geneesmiddel, wordt het vertragen van celregeneratie voorkomen, vooral met milieu-en genetische factoren.

Dagelijks 100 à 150 haarverlies wordt als normaal beschouwd. Als het meer is, moet de haaruitval serieus genomen worden. PRP biedt ook bloeiende resultaten na een haarbehandeling. Vooral bij patiënten met haaruitval biedt het een gunstig resultaat. Tijdens de PRP-procedure wordt het eigen bloed van de patiënt afgenomen en door een apparaat geleid. Hier wordt het deel dat de haarwortels zal voeden gescheiden en daarna geïnjecteerd in het probleemgebied. Deze methode is bijzonder nuttig bij genetische haarverlies. Haar mesotherapie kan ook worden toegepast in combinatie met PRP op degenen met genetische haarverlies.

Tijdens de PRP-behandeling voor haar wordt 10 CC uit het bloed van de patiënt genomen (1/10 van een theeglas). Het gecentrifugeerde bloed wordt verdeeld in twee delen als wit en rood bloed. Rood bloed bevat witte bloedcellen, bloedplaatjes, stollingsfactoren, PGF (Bloedplaatjesgroeifactor). De basis van deze toepassing is weefselregeneratie. Haarbehandeling met PRP duurt tot 30 minuten. Na een PRP-behandeling zullen er geen littekens ontstaan en kan de persoon kan zijn/haar routine leven onmiddellijk voortzetten.Haarbehandeling met PRP is meer effectief als het om de 3 à 4 maanden toegepast wordt. Daarna is het één keer per jaar genoeg. Het belangrijkste voordeel van deze methode is dat het plasma wordt verkregen uit het eigen bloed van de patiënt en geen allergierisico met zich meebrengt.

PRP Netherlands


PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is a method prepared from one’s own blood and used today in many areas of medicine to cure diseases, solve and regulate skin and skin problems. In this method, the person’s own blood is used instead of chemical drugs. It is particularly useful in both genetic problems and cell deceleration problems caused by the harmful effects of the environment. In addition to dermatological problems such as hair loss and skin diseases, it has become a method used for pain treatment and orthopedic problems. Before the PRP method is applied, a very small amount of blood is taken from the patient. Then, this blood is decomposed into their plasma in a laboratory environment. The platelet cell in these plasmas is responsible for the clotting of the blood. However, due to its ability to provide growth, it has the ability to perform cell regeneration. Once the plasma rich in platelets is injected back into the body, cell regeneration begins. In this way, healing wounds, reducing cracks, providing a youthful appearance of the skin without giving any drugs or foreign substances to the body is provided. In addition to these, it has become one of the methods used in the treatment of hair loss. Hair treatment with PRP is applied in sessions of 30 minutes on average. After this painless application, no scars occur in the hair or skin area. Patients can continue their routine lives where they left off.

Although PRP seems to be a state-of-the-art miracle treatment method, it is actually due to the use of a naturally existing cell regenerative feature in one’s own blood. The cell-regenerating platelets in the blood taken from the body are injected into the desired area of treatment. At this time, the body’s natural wound healing feature is activated in the non-wound location. This method does not work in some people. The most important reason for this is the PRP treatments that are not under the supervision of a specialist physician and are not performed in a competent clinic. Quality PRP kits are not used in this type of location in accordance with international standards. Cheaper and unhealthy kits can be applied here. This may reduce the chances of success of PRP. Another reason for the failure is that PRP needs to be implemented regularly in order to be effective. It is not right to think that PRP is a one-off practice. PRP is a practice that must be repeated 1 or 2 times every month for at least 2-3 months. In some applications, a total of 4 sessions can be performed with a range of 2 weeks, depending on the advice of your doctor. In fact, it should be done 1 time a year if necessary or with additional applications in case of need.

The effect varies from person to person but cannot be completed in one session. It should usually be applied once or twice a month and repeat once or twice a year after a while.

Within a few days immediately after skin treatment with PRP, a difference or noticeable brightness will be felt on the skin. This becomes permanent when the treatment is carried out a few times. If you want to remove wrinkles or deep scars, more sessions and time are required. That is why it is necessary to act according to what the doctor says. It is not correct to think that the PRP method will yield a very fast and lasting benefit, or to assume that health will return after a single session. PRP is a treatment that requires a long process and must be spread through sessions. After a 2-month treatment, successful results may be obtained, or it may be necessary to repeat the treatments for a while

People of any age or gender who want to solve the medical problems they experience in a natural way will be able to choose the PRP method. However, our advice is to be prepared for long-term treatment and be patient about it.

PRP is a painless and easy-to-use method and has no side effects that are felt very clearly. The PRP method is completely compatible with the body and does not cause allergic reactions due to the fact that it is a natural method. However, a very small amount of bruising in the area where the blood is taken, slight redness or short-term swelling may occur in the areas where the needle is inserted.

It is not possible to give a net price for PRP prices without seeing the patient. The area of PRP application and the type of PRP treatment are important factors in determining the price. For example, the PRP prices planned to be performed in the face region are more expensive than the PRP treatment to be performed on the hand or for hair. In addition, the number of PRP sessions to be recommended by the doctor is one of the factors that cause price variability. You can find out about the most appropriate PRP treatment prices by contacting RehairIstanbul.

RehairIstanbul has planned to the utmost detail for all patients coming from abroad within the packages prepared for PRP treatment. Welcome at the airport, travel and transfer with VIP vehicles, accommodation in the most luxurious hotels and free use of all services in our clinic are included in this package. In addition, the operation period will be provided for you with a general health check and a free supply of necessary care products. Our goal is for you to get the health care you deserve, without dealing with any details.

Een PRP-haarbehandeling is onschadelijk en comfortabeler dan andere methoden, maar de effecten verschijnen een beetje later. Het moet daarom regelmatig worden toegepast en de termijnen moeten in acht worden genomen.

Een PRP-behandeling heeft geen bekende en waargenomen bijwerkingen. Het is niet schadelijk, omdat het eigen bloed van de patiënt wordt gebruikt. Aangezien de toediening echter met micronaalden wordt uitgevoerd, kan hoofdpijn een halve dag na de toediening optreden, zelfs als er tijdens de toediening geen pijn wordt gevoeld. Ook kan haaruitval worden gezien voor een korte tijd na de behandeling. Er is geen reden tot paniek! Dat is een natuurlijk gevolg van de behandeling.

Istanbul is the largest province in Turkey and even Europe. Besides its historical heritage, its natural beauty is also of great interest. In these aspects, Istanbul has become an important center of attraction in the area of cultural, sporting, artistic and tourism. In the field of health tourism and PRP treatment, the city is known for its modern technology clinics, which have the most qualified surgeons. Choosing clinics in Istanbul, which are also known for their very affordable prices, will be advantageous for your health first and then your pocket.



The entire process is arranged by us from A to Z, you only need to provide a desired date.


We offer you a hair transplant with an unlimited number of grafts.


We offer you a hair transplant with an unlimited number of grafts.


We offer a VIP hair transplant arrangement for every patient. Only 1 patient is helped on a treatment day, so the patient gets all the attention.


number 1
Step 1

Leave your details and we will contact you. Or send a WhatsApp message directly.

number 2
Step 2

For a personal analysis we ask you to send some pictures of your hair, please have someone else photograph it; front-top-side & rear view. After the analysis, we can provide you with specific information about the options and costs of a hair transplant. Or make an appointment for an intake interview in the Netherlands.

number 3
Step 3

We ask for a deposit to reserve a treatment date, thereafter your VIP hair transplant package (including travel and accommodation) will be organized by us from A to Z.

number 4
Step 4

From the moment you arrive in Istanbul, you will be welcomed by the ReHair Istanbul team. You do not need to speak Turkish or Dutch, you will be guided in English.

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Monday to Sunday
09:00 - 18:00
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